I just use aluminium mould because I can't find any tart mould here...hmmm what to do..
I'm a mother with 4 lovely daughters live in Espoo, Finland. Recently, I'm doing some halal cake decoration among my friends & I'm starting to loving it.This is my creations...................
ermm....dah buat dah,....sedap...
yani nak tanya..jgn marah ekk...yg wipping cream tu yg mana...creme cheese tu yg philaphedia lahkan...yg whipping tu..mane ek?
yummy..x kisah pun guna mould apa..nampak sgt sedapp//
dear yani...ko tahu ke sapa aku ni...aku kagum gler dgn semangat ke 'kek' ko skrg!!! bagus ler yani...luv u!!!
eira, tgk dlm fotopages..ada..
batriesya...thanxxx ,betul3x ..dh desperate kan , guna je apa yg ada...heheh
bhulattttt..aku kenal la ko....thanx singgah sini...miss u 2
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